Section V —BONDS OF UNION.—But these essentials are not the only bonds

of union. At present Moravians all over the world are united in three great tasks. First, they are united in their noble work among the lepers at Jerusalem. It is one of the scandals of modern Christianity that leprosy is still the curse of Palestine; and the only Christians who are trying to remove that curse are the Moravians. At the request of a kind-hearted … Continue reading Section V —BONDS OF UNION.—But these essentials are not the only bonds

Section IV —THE MORAVIANS IN AMERICA —In America the progress was of

a similar kind. As soon as the American Brethren had gained Home Rule, they organized their forces in a masterly manner; arranged that their Provincial Synod should meet once in three years; set apart £5,000 for their Theological College at Bethlehem; and, casting aside the Diaspora ideas of Zinzendorf, devoted their powers to the systematic extension of their Home Mission work. It is well to … Continue reading Section IV —THE MORAVIANS IN AMERICA —In America the progress was of

Section III —THE MORAVIANS IN GREAT BRITAIN.—For the last fifty years

the most striking feature about the British Moravians is the fact that they have steadily become more British in all their ways, and more practical and enthusiastic in their work in this country. We can see it in every department of their work. They began with the training of their ministers. As soon as the British Moravians became independent, they opened their own Theological Training … Continue reading Section III —THE MORAVIANS IN GREAT BRITAIN.—For the last fifty years

Section II —THE MORAVIANS IN GERMANY.—In Germany, and on the Continent

generally, they still adhere in the main to the ideal set up by Zinzendorf. We may divide their work into five departments. First, there is the ordinary pastoral work in the settlements and congregations. In Germany the settlement system still flourishes. Of the twenty-six Moravian congregations on the Continent, no fewer than twelve are settlements. In most cases these settlements are quiet little Moravian towns, … Continue reading Section II —THE MORAVIANS IN GERMANY.—In Germany, and on the Continent

Section I —MORAVIAN PRINCIPLES—If the Moravians have any

distinguishing principle at all, that principle is one which goes back to the beginnings of their history. For some years they have been accustomed to use as a motto the famous words of Rupertus Meldenius: “In necessariis unitas; in non-necessariis libertas; in utrisque caritas”—in essentials unity; in non-essentials liberty; in both, charity. But the distinction between essentials and non-essentials goes far behind Rupertus Meldenius. If … Continue reading Section I —MORAVIAN PRINCIPLES—If the Moravians have any


When the Brethren made their maiden speech in the Valley of Kunwald four hundred and fifty years ago, they little thought that they were founding a Church that would spread into every quarter of the civilized globe. If this narrative, however, has been written to any purpose, it has surely taught a lesson of great moral value; and that lesson is that the smallest bodies … Continue reading BOOK FOUR — THE MODERN MORAVIANS, 1857-1907